This wheel has all of the Zevarian and Azfeiran species on it, including the otherwise limited Saikko Rakkundi. When you choose to spin the wheel, you get 3 opportunities. Whatever the wheel offers you for species, you may choose to either accept as an offer or you can pass and use your other spins until you ultimately settle on one. Additional spins will cost $5, cus it’s not about finagling, though you’re welcome to do that! Each species has a discounted price attached to it. When you’re happy with the species you spun and the price associated with it, you can accept. If you accept your first offer, you are more than welcome to also use your free spins to see if you want those items as well.
From here, it will go to any one of the species artists attributed to that species. This will alternate based on who is available at the moment and who has done the last one, etc. That artist will receive the funds for your spin and will then ask you which gender you’d like and what you HATE in designs, as well as what you like. This is NOT a commission style situation, you’re just giving them an idea of your taste. They will then go and create a design for you from the depths of their imagination, and that’ll be it!
This means that you’re going to have access to awesome affordably priced designs, BUT… only if you’re brave enough to put your fate in the hands of our wonderful artists and the universe itself!
With this, Prices will be per species as is listed below and divided by body type. This will be the ONLY way to get Saikko Rakkundi and Priminials outside of the new limitations on those species. Ago’Zi obtained through this method will also not count towards pack limits.

Prices when using the Wheel.
Designed by Bad Ritual, Hey Keke!, LyssArts and Naikios
Rasendi: $35
Serendi: $35
Quatra: $35
Vexxef: $35
Vastra: $35
Rox’Zu: $35
Mutant Pra’Vos: $40
Ago’Zi : $50
Designed by Naikios
Designed by Bad Ritual, LyssArts and Naikios
(Gender bends do not qualify.)
Sol’Rin: $45
Xin’Tuf: $45
Qal’Rok: $45
Val’As: $45
Rel’Sak: $45
Jer’sel: $45
Designed by Bad Ritual, LyssArts and Naikios
Rakkundi Naixxo: $60
Rakkundi Ruxxo: $55
Rakkundi Vexxef: $50
Rakkundi Saikko: $65
Designed by Bad Ritual and Naikios
Javsai: $45
Nefsi: $45
Designed by LyssArts and Naikios
Naz’Faorz: $45
Nazozitli: $45
Designed by LyssArts and Naikios
Primordial Standard: $60
Priminial (Midgrade Level 3): $35
Draconian (Common): $60 (Designed by Naikios)
Nefali: $35 (Designed by Bad Ritual, Hey Keke!, LyssArts and Naikios)