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Looking for something more compact? We can absolutely cover that as well, and boy is it cute!  This shaker style Ritual Jar was intention focused for reclaiming self-love and soothing anxiety. It features Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Howlite, Sea Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt (Pink Halite), Sage, Roselle, Rose Petals, Chamomile, Lavender, Cinnamon and Aquamarine.  After binding, they're sealed 3 times and sprinkled with Fluorite for grounding.  The wax on these ones actually have a bit of scent to them, so you'll get a hint of a fruit and cinnamon.


Rose Quartz: A stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is the most important crystal for healing the heart and heart chakra. Releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional conditiong that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation, opening your heart so that you become receptive. If you have loved and lost, it comforts your grief. Rose Quartz teaches how to love yourself and encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth. Excellent for trauma or crisis, Rose Quartz acts as a rescue remedy, providing reassurance and calm. This stone draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. Strengthening empathy and sensitivity and aiding the acceptance of necessary change, it is an excellent stone for midlife crisis. Holding Rose Quartz enhances positive affirmations, the stone then reminding you of your intention.


FluoriteAn effective crystal to overcome any form of disorganization, Fluorite draws off negative energies and stress, incorporating structure into daily life. It purifies and reorganizes anything within the physical or subtle bodies that is not in perfect order, and cleanses and stabilizes the aura.

Snowflake ObsidianSnowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity, providing balance for body, mind, and spirit. It calms and soothes, making you receptive before bringing to your attention ingrained patterns of behavior and then gently releasing emotional blockages. With the assistance of Snowflake Obsidian, isolation and loneliness become empowering. This stone teaches how to surrender in meditation. Teaching you to value mistakes as well as successes, it shows the gift in experiences and promotes dispassion and inner centering.


Howlite: Howlite encourages you to set aside the personality mask you don to face the world, allowing you to be true to yourself and your inner knowing. This stone opens attunement and prepares the mind to receive wisdom. Aiding journeys out of body and accepting past lives, focusing your eyes into Howlite transports you to another time or dimension. On the third eye, it opens memories of other lives, including those in the between-life state. A piece placed in the pocket absorbs your own anger and any that is directed toward you. Howlite formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material, and assists in achieving them, and facilitates calm and reasoned communication while increasing patience and tolerance.


Aquamarine: Said to protect sailors at sea and to guard against drowning, it was the stone of the sea goddess and counteracted the forces of darkness, gaining favor from the spirits of light. A wonderful stone for meditation, Aquamarine shields the aura, invokes high states of consciousness, and encourages service to humanity. With an affinity to sensitive people, it invokes tolerance and supports anyone overwhelmed by responsibility. Breaking self-defeating programs, it leads to dynamic change. Useful for closure on all levels, this stone is helpful in understanding underlying emotional states and interpreting how you feel. Removing extraneous thought, Aquamarine filters information reaching the brain and clarifies perception.


The Crystal Cage the accompanies this Ritual Jar features Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Rutilated Quartz and Jet.





Self-Love Ritual Jar and Crystal Cage Set

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