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I suppose you could say we turned this one into a challenge, seeing how many varities of Jasper we had on hand to create an Ritual Jar any Jasper lover can be proud of.  Featuring some form of Dalmation Jasper, Yellow Jasper, Red Jasper, Mookaite Jasper, Zebra Jasper, Kambaba Jasper, Fancy Jasper, Camoflauge Jasper, Imperial Jasper, Crocodile Jasper, Rainforest Jasper and Picasso Jasper, and paired with a Red and Dalmation Jasper cage necklace for good measure, to carry that Jasper love around all the time!


Known as the "Supreme Nurturer", Jasper sustains and supports during times of stress and unifies all aspects of life. This stone facilitates shamanic journeys, dowsing, and dream recall. Providing protection, it absorbs negative energy, balances yin and yang, and aligns the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the etheric realm.


Bringing the courage to get to grips with problems assertively, and encouraging honesty with oneself, Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits and supports during necessary conflict. This stone aids quick thinking, promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through, and stimulates imagination, transforming ideas into action.


There's no way we could break down all of the varities extra abilities here, but we definitely suggest looking 'em up!

The Jasper Lover Ritual Jar

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